About Us
Since 2002, our expert legal services have been helping the people of Lanarkshire, Glasgow and surrounding areas through some of the most difficult periods in their lives.
Linda George MSc BA (Hons) DipLP NP
Over more than 25 years Linda has steadily built her reputation as a tenacious solicitor who achieves the best possible results for her clients and their families. Her primary area of interest has always been family law. Her expertise particularly in regard to cases involving children is widely recognised by Sheriffs who regularly appoint her as a Reporter and Curator to Children
Linda is formally accredited not only as a family law specialist but also a child law specialist and she is a mediator accredited by the Law Society. Linda’s wide range of legal qualifications has enabled her to successfully resolve issues for clients across the whole of the UK whilst her impressive combination of academic and legal qualifications gives her a unique ability to empathise with the needs of her clients.
Rachel Rodgers LLB DipLp NP
As Managing Director, Financial and Compliance Partner Rachel successfully undertakes responsibility for the day to day running of the firm and couples this with a busy practice. In addition to advising in all aspects of family law, Rachel takes particular interest in the field of Guardianships and Powers of Attorney. A latecomer to the field of law, with extensive experience in the workplace behind her, Rachel is able to deal effectively with issues which can be a difficulty for families. Her wide experience gives her a sympathetic and realistic view of family problems and she uses her many skills in the pursuit of an outcome to those problems with prioritise the needs of the family. Always willing to listen, Rachel is a highly skilled and personable member of our team who takes all her many responsibilities seriously.
Contact us to discuss your initial appointment.